Call us on 01823 451365 for more details


Red Park Equestrian Centre

We moved from shavings and straw to Fennington Fibres 7 years ago and never looked back. For a large livery yard and riding school it has made such a positive impact. As a yard owner who suffers with bad asthma, the change has been a huge success as I can now have more involvement in the stable management aspect without worrying about dust and ammonia odour. Some of our riding school ponies are older and the miscanthus offers them a supportive, warm and comfy bed. Our muck heap has never been smaller and more useful! It breaks down into a great compost that we spread on our fields as a fertiliser, or I use it in the garden. I cannot recommend Fennington Fibres highly enough for their high quality product.

Carly Martin-Pope BVM&S MRCVS - Equine Veterinary Surgeon

In my field of work as an equine vet I see more and more stables using Fennington Fibres Miscanthus bedding. Respiratory issues in stabled horses can be a real issue, but the cleanliness of Fennington Fibres offers a safe bedding option. 

For horses on box rest, a miscanthus bed is a great choice to ensure the horse has a supportive and comfortable environment and in post surgical cases, Fennington Fibres is excellent because it is clean, dust free and doesn’t stick to the wound. 

I choose Fennington Fibres for my own horses and have first hand experience of foaling mares on it, providing a safe and comfortable stable for the newborns.